Wednesday, February 29, 2012

My First Tutorial: Fleece No Sew Cat bed

My cats are spoiled. They have more toys than any 2 cats should have. It's pathetic, but, they are my babies, so they get lots of goodies!

I don't remember where I got the idea, most likely Pinterest but who knows.

Anyways....the tutorial

First: Get yourself some soft foam. This almost feels like memory foam. It was <$8 at Walmart and you get two squares.

Second: Cut the foam to desired size. I wanted to use mine in our huge window sills, so I cut the foam in half, you could easily use the full size.

Third: Cut your fabric, you need two "sheets", one for the top and one for the bottom. It is common to use a solid and a pattern, but have fun with it! I didn't bother to measure, but you want to have a sufficient border to make your fringe, and make up for the thickness of the foam. I think mine was about 4" on all sides. To cut, I used pinking shears because I liked the zig zag look on the end of the fringe!

Fourth: Cut a fringe through both layers. I used a special fringe rotary cutter I was very happy to purchase on clearance at JoAnn fabrics. It cut 4 at a time, 1/2" apart. You can use standard scissors, or there is a myriad of tools to help you, just search Amazon.

Fifth: Tie the two layers together. I used 2 knots for each tie. Do the 2 long sides and one of the short ones, leaving the opening to stuff the foam into. I did not separate the layers because it was easier to match up the cuts to tie.

Sidenote: One of the kitties helping keep the fabric in line.

Sixth: To make the bed more attractive to the kitties, I used a catnip spray that I had on hand and soaked the foam. You can buy it at any pet store, or just sprinkle dried catnip inside. Insert the foam into the fleece pocket you made, and finish the knotting.

Seventh: Place your bed where you want your kitties. This was a pretty quick project. I didn't time it, but it was probably an hour? It was very easy.

I decided to place some no-slip shelf liner (gotta love the dollar store) on the window sill to prevent the bed from sliding when kitty jumps  on it.

All done. A nice cozy bed for the kitties to watch the snow.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Driving in circles...

It's been a while, not that I think I have anyone who actually follows this blog, but anyways, if you do, thanks, if you don't, what's wrong with you? Haha, just kidding! Mostly....

I have been busy training to be an intercity bus driver for a local company. So far it is very enjoyable. I have done a couple runs solo, and that is way less stress than I thought. Hopefully I will be released from the training program soon and be on my own to terrorize, I mean drive, the local streets. Ok, actually the only reason I care to be released from training is to get my uniform so I can stop wearing my regular clothes and, more importantly, to get the silly briefcase that will let me create a "bus kit"

In more interesting, non-bus related news, we have a new addition to our "family", a 14 year old kitty cat named Kalikat. She was living with my parents, but was starting to go downhill due to her hatred of dogs and the other cats. She refused to eat with the other cats, and wasn't a fan of going downstairs to the litterbox. That doesn't really work so well, so she lost a ton of weight and was making a mess. I offered to take her so she could get away from her stressors. She's been here almost 2 weeks; what a difference, She's started putting on weight. The litter box is still questionable, but part of that had to do with her having some nasty diarrhea. Poor baby. She is actually making an attempt now. I am hoping her bowel condition improves, because I am sick of cleaning up after her. I know the fiancé has fallen for her. It is too cute to watch them together. She thinks he is the ultimate pillow, and that he should spend all day petting her while she sleeps on him.

The wedding planning has been going well. The guest list is finalized, and the venue is booked! Very exciting. Speaking of that silly thing called love, he gave me the most thoughtful Valentine's gift ever. He picked out the cutest little photo album, one that I would have picked myself, and filled it with pics of us and places that have meaning to us! It was the sweetest, most romantic gift I have ever received. So perfect.  It just added to the reasons why I love him!

As for the rest of my life, I have found that I love the Instagram app for my iPhone (add me, I'm squishy car). I am also a hopeless Pinterest addict. Pinterest has taken over my life lol. I spend more time on there than on any other website, hence the reason my blog has been neglected for so join up and follow me!