Saturday, October 29, 2011

He Went to Jared's (The Galleria of Jewelry)

I AM ENGAGED!!!!!!! As of 12 something this afternoon :-D

Today was a close friends wedding down at Castleton in Windham, NH. My fiancé (well then boyfriend) and I dropped my convertible at my parents then headed down to Windham. When we got there we had to do the whole sticky roller thing due to that adorably cute pain in the a$$ kitty cat. I was going to get something out of the passenger side and he had paused coming around the truck. I walked over to him and he got a box out of his coat pocket, kneeled down on one knee and asked me to marry him!! Of course, I was happy to say "Yes". :-)

I am looking forward to this new chapter in our life together. :-) And it starts with a freak NH nor'easter snowstorm :-D

Friday, October 28, 2011

Quick Craft Break

I am going to a good friend's wedding tomorrow afternoon, and I decided I wanted a new bracelet to go with my new dress, because of course, none of the ones I have could possible work <end sarcasm>. I love the look of the Pandora beads, I was drooling over all the awesome choices at Jared's recently, wishing I could justify spending hundreds of dollars on one. But alas, I am just a poor bus driver who is currently out on sick leave, so Pandora is out of the question.

Remembering that I saw some similar knock-off beads on a recent trip to one of my favorite stores, Michaels, I decided to stop by today. Lucky me when I discovered that the Trinkettes line of beads was 40% off! Each pack of beads (of which I bought several), the pack of spacers, and the  empty bracelet were $2.39 a piece! Gotta love saving money, while buying fun craft stuff! :-)

So putting together a couple charms I had previously purchased and the new beads today, I came up with a bracelet that combines the color of my dress, the color of my boyfriend's shirt, and the black jewels on my necklace. I also managed to incorporate my love of cats.

I apologize for the crappy picture, I was too lazy to break out the real camera and fire up the desktop; because it is just soo hard to press that little power button. *rolls eyes* (Remind me, I need a USB SD card reader for my MacBook Air). If by some miracle I remember, I will post a better pic.

My favorite part of this style bracelet is that I can change it up to match my outfit or just cause I want to!

Thursday, October 27, 2011


Welcome to my blog. I decided to start a blog to share my extreme couponing for the normal person experiences, my rants about life, happy events, new craft projects, and whatever else I get into!

I am 20-something years old and recently started moving on with my life. I moved in with my boyfriend several months ago and am loving living on my "own". I have had a lot to learn, like doing laundry from start to finish for the first time, living on a budget, meal disasters, as well as cooking in general. I am still learning, trying to become a "grown-up".  Overall, I am enjoying the experience. 

I have a wonderful cat named Hobo....well, maybe wonderful is too nice, he can tend to be a little a$$hole at times! Like when he decides to move things out from under the bed in the middle of the night. Or flip over the recycling bin. And we won't even discuss the nice presents in the litter box... (I swear my cat is mentally challenged). 

But can you really argue with something that adorable?!?!

I attempt to make a living driving a big yellow bus full of children around in circles for 8 hours a day. Generally I love my job! No idea why though, I am not a "kid person" and I have no tolerance. Children these days are downright scary (a topic for a later post). But I have AWESOME coworkers, and nice bosses. The only downside is the hour commute so I can be where the money and benefits are best! Hopefully I can get over whatever illness that has me on bed rest for the past week so I can get back behind the wheel!

If you're wondering about the "squishycar"in my URL, it refers to my little 1992 Geo Metro Convertible that is nicknamed "Squishy" due to some severe rust issues. If you want to see more about the car and the rebuild,  checkout my forum post detailing the entire process.