Friday, October 28, 2011

Quick Craft Break

I am going to a good friend's wedding tomorrow afternoon, and I decided I wanted a new bracelet to go with my new dress, because of course, none of the ones I have could possible work <end sarcasm>. I love the look of the Pandora beads, I was drooling over all the awesome choices at Jared's recently, wishing I could justify spending hundreds of dollars on one. But alas, I am just a poor bus driver who is currently out on sick leave, so Pandora is out of the question.

Remembering that I saw some similar knock-off beads on a recent trip to one of my favorite stores, Michaels, I decided to stop by today. Lucky me when I discovered that the Trinkettes line of beads was 40% off! Each pack of beads (of which I bought several), the pack of spacers, and the  empty bracelet were $2.39 a piece! Gotta love saving money, while buying fun craft stuff! :-)

So putting together a couple charms I had previously purchased and the new beads today, I came up with a bracelet that combines the color of my dress, the color of my boyfriend's shirt, and the black jewels on my necklace. I also managed to incorporate my love of cats.

I apologize for the crappy picture, I was too lazy to break out the real camera and fire up the desktop; because it is just soo hard to press that little power button. *rolls eyes* (Remind me, I need a USB SD card reader for my MacBook Air). If by some miracle I remember, I will post a better pic.

My favorite part of this style bracelet is that I can change it up to match my outfit or just cause I want to!

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