So what is this condition that ruined my career? Idiopathic Hypersomnia. Two big words that basically mean no matter how much sleep I get overnight, I do not feel rested or refreshed, and I can be insanely sleepy during the day. As far back as I can remember, I have been a tired person. This past summer, things really started to deteriorate. I was falling asleep as a passenger on a motorcycle. Not a good situation. It was time to dig into why I am 29 years old and completely exhausted all the time no matter how much sleep I got at night.

The sleep neurologist decided to redo my sleep study and follow it with a Multiple Sleep Latency Test (MSLT). More strange medical words. The MSLT follows an overnight sleep study so they can make sure you get a decent amount of sleep the night before. You are then left in a room all day (I had wifi and cable TV), given a nap opportunity every 2 hours for a total of 5 naps. The time it takes you to fall asleep and the level of sleep you reach in the timeframe is what helps determine your diagnosis. I fell asleep in all of the naps in an average of 6 minutes, after a "normal" night's sleep. See, I am not actually crazy, well at least in that aspect, I am THAT tired. Could you sleep a full night then fall sleep 5x during the day?
Eventually, I got my diagnosis of Idiopathic Hypersomnia because they ruled out basically everything else that could cause me to be so tired and unrefreshed. I did not have sleep apnea, I did not have narcolepsy. I did not have any "common" sleep disorders. I am just plain exhausted for no reason the doctor can find. There is no cure and no FDA approved medications. There are medications that I can be prescribed to promote daytime wakefulness. I am now trying a second one as the first one did not work and actually made me feel worse than just sleepy.
Now I am a state of limbo. I have applied for nearly 20 jobs and the only thing I ever hear is someone else was selected. I'm waiting to find out if I get unemployment, which I hate to do, but I have to have something for income, I have bills. Everyday now I sit home, filling with anxiety about those bills and not having the income or the savings to pay for them. I have decent credit, I don't want to ruin it. I am so lost, so hopeless. Right now it feels like I am completely and permanently screwed. When I apply to jobs I have to put down why I left my previous job, if I put down financial gain, why would I quit before I had anything else? If I put down medical, they will automatically think I am sick all the time and miss work (which I don't do).
Idiopathic Hypersomnia sucks.
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